SolarisFloat at EXPO Solar, Korea, June 14-16, 2018

SolarisFloat will be at EXPO Solar 2018, in Korea, to present Protevs, a two-axis tracking floating PV solution that is unique in the world.

Modular, detachable, scalable, reliable solution, with an easy installation process, each island comprises 180 photovoltaic. 15 islands correspond to 1MW installed, occupy 25,000m2 and produce, in good location and normal conditions, 2,500 MWh/year, which allows to supply more than 800 people.

Protevs allows plus 30% to 40% more energy production capability when compared with fixed solutions. It is an environmentally friendly solution: uses recyclable materials and allows 60% less of evaporation of water, reduction of algae growth and reduction of water temperature.

Protevs was developed by SolarisFloat, that belongs to the, a Portuguese business group with an international presence in more than 70 countries, using I&D developed with Portuguese Universities and leading industries. It is protected by 1 design register, 5 provisional patent registers and 2 brand registrations.

Protevs will certainly bring new challenges for the environment, economy and the solar photovoltaic industry.

* 3 MWh/year/per capita is the world consumption, according to “Key world energy statistics”,
International Energy Agency: