SolarisFloat appers on BBC news to talk about PROTEVS® a floating solar array.


SolarisFloat built PROTEVS® as a pilot project to test a cutting-edge technology and analyze how it drives clean energy production. This prototype eventually put SolarisFloat in a position to be a finalist for the European Inventor Award in 2022.

In the search for space for large solar arrays, many countries are looking to floating systems. On a lake in the Netherlands, a glowing circular island floats, covered by 180 glowing solar panels. This is no ordinary solar array, the PROTEVS® panels rotate slowly on two axes, using mechanical, geospatial, and light sensors to accurately track the elevation of the sun’s path as it moves from east to west.

This technology is a small initiative in a world trying to shift rapidly to renewable energy, but SolarisFloat considers that this installation could be scaled up to generate large amounts of clean electricity – and, crucially, without taking up valuable land. SolarisFloat believes that “renewable energy production will increase around the world (…) much more on water than on land.” Why? Because land is becoming a very precious commodity.”

It seems clear that this small SolarisFloat installation, PROTEVS®, is the future of floating solar, with the global market expected to grow by a fifth over the next eight years. We truly believe that Floating PV can make a difference.

Want to know more about this project? Read the full article on BBC (The floating solar panels that track the Sun – BBC Future) and contact us in or by email